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Vermont inmates pull an ingenious prank

Posted by Brian Tillman on 5 February 2012

Please give yourself a moment to read something short simply for pleasure. It’s fluff, and I only include it becuse it happened in the county where I used to practice in Vermont. Who knows, I could have even represented the mystery prankster once. Here’s to the Northwest State Correctional Facility in Franklin County, Vermont, nestled in the northeast corner of Lake Champlain. Way to represent! Good to see prison doesn’t completely destroy your sense of humor.

In Vermont, the prison system employs prisoners to do certain things for the state. l always heardabout license plates, but the inmates from St. Albans, Vermont, also made stationery and the decals that go on the State Police cruisers. Thedecals show the Vermont State Police crest, which is a variation of the State Seal, which includes, of course, a spotted cow. In an ingenious prank, it seems a number of them went out about four years ago with a pig as one of the spots on the cow (with reference to the slang derogative of calling cops “pigs”).

It’s estimated that the decals were produced in 2008 or 2009 and have been attached to about thirty police cruisers over time, including some in the Burlington area. Sadly, all of the decals will now be removed, but it was funny while it lasted.

See below:



Vermont State Police Decal


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