Georgetown DWI Lawyer

You don't want to take chances when you've been arrested for drunk driving. Get the defense that could see your charge reduced or dismissed by working with a Georgetown DWI lawyer.

A DWI or drunk driving arrest can lead to monetary penalties, jail or prison time, and a significant dent in your reputation and criminal record. Even if it's your first conviction, your record can be tarnished and reputation left stained.

The best defense when you've been arrested for drunk driving is to hire a Georgetown DWI lawyer from Hines & Holub. Our firm will work to get your charges reduced-if not dismissed completely-and lead you through the challenging criminal legal process.

Understanding a DWI Charge

You may have heard the term DWI (driving while intoxicated) and DUI (driving under the influence), but what's the difference? Some states use the terms interchangeably to refer to driving drunk. However, in Texas, DWI means that you were arrested with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent or more, while DUI means that you were under the age of twenty-one and driving with a BAC of up to .07 percent.

A DWI conviction in Texas can mean big fines, jail time, or probation. In many cases, especially if it's your first offense, your sentence can be reduced to fines and probation, but that will require the following:

    • Follow ups with your probation officer
    • Paid fines, court fees, and monthly probation fees
    • Community service
    • A DWI education class
    • Attendance of a victim impact panel (VIP)
    • Drug and alcohol evaluations
    • Random urinalysis
    • And more

In addition to the requirements of your probation, there will be things you aren't supposed to do, such as drink alcohol. The best course of action when you're facing drunk driving charges is to hire a Georgetown DWI lawyer.

Why You Need a Defense Lawyer

A DWI arrest doesn't mean you're guaranteed to be convicted. Did you know that breathalyzers aren't 100 percent accurate? Many cases have been dismissed or at least reduced because of this defense. By having a Georgetown DWI lawyer on your team, you have a better chance of building a defense that can beat your charges.

All we have to do is prevent the prosecution from proving beyond a reasonable doubt that you were intoxicated. Even if you didn't take a breath test, there are defenses that might be employed, such as demonstrating how the uneven terrain interfered with your balance.

In many cases, the police dashcam footage can also help your case. If you were cooperative and didn't get belligerent with the arresting officer, the jury will see someone who complied and was not obviously drunk.

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